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    文章一覽:[求助]仙人掌全基因組測序計劃 (新回覆在最前面)  [列出前 6 個回覆]
    ppjiang 發表於: 2015/02/26 08:03am
    My name is Peng Jiang. I get my Ph.D. from department of horticulture, University of Georgia, USA. My research team is sequencing cactus genome with BGI now. I am writing this email for asking everyone who like cactus would like to support this project.

    Cactus genome size is about 3Gb. Using high-throughput Illumina sequencing (paired-end, 150bp HiSeq 8 runs), we will generate 100 times coverage, which is 300 Gb data to assemble the Cactus genome. Furthermore, our genome analysis team will analyze sequencing data by ourselves, so the genome analysis fee and labor fee will not be included in this budget.

    For detail of this project: https://experiment.com/projects/sequencing-the-cactus-genome-to-discover-the-secret-of-drought-resistance

    We are confident that cactus genome will be published on a top journal, such as Science, Nature, Nature Genetics or PNAS. (The orchid genome has just been published in Nature Genetics: The genome sequence of the orchid Phalaenopsis equestris). Several important plant genomes, such as tomato, cotton, and sorghum, have been sequenced by University of Georgia. Our team members have participated in those plant genome projects:
    The tomato genome sequence provides insights into fleshy fruit evolution (Nature)
    Repeated polyploidization of Gossypium genomes and the evolution of spinnable cotton fibres (Nature)
    The genome of the mesopolyploid crop species Brassica rapa (Nature genetics)
    Early allopolyploid evolution in the post-Neolithic Brassica napus oilseed genome (Science)

    If you have any question about the cactus sequencing project, please feel free to let me know at pjiang@uga.edu.
    Thank you very much!
    Dr. Peng Jiang

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